Monaco celebrates International Wildlife Day at the UN

Monaco celebrates International Wildlife Day at the UN

Published on 3 March 2020 at 12:00 - Modified the 25 July 2023 at 03:03

Explorer* Roie Galitz enchanted the audience gathered in the United Nations Trusteeship Council on March 3, 2020 to celebrate International Day of Wildlife.

His photos and videos brought the participants, including 100 children from two New York schools, from Svalbard and its polar bears to Antarctica and its penguins, but also to Kamchatka, Serengeti and Pantanal.

As Ambassador Picco noted in her introductory remarks, "By celebrating the planet’s biodiversity, we are celebrating our own life on Earth. If it is our duty to work to preserve the planet for future generations, it is also an act of survival instinct as humans. "

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* Member of the New York Explorers Club