Welcome to the Official website of the Permanent Mission of Monaco to the United Nations
ONU news
Monaco et le Qatar mènent les négociations de la résolution de l’ONU sur le sport, adoptée à l’unanimité
17 October 2024
La Principauté réitère son soutien à l’Agence internationale pour l’énergie atomique (AIEA) devant l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies
15 October 2024
La Principauté appelle à une action mondiale concertée pour garantir un environnement sûr et inclusif pour chaque enfant
10 October 2024
Monaco participe à la Troisième Commission sur les questions relatives à la promotion des femmes
International News
La résolution de l’ONU sur le sport présentée par Monaco et le Qatar adoptée à l’unanimité
Le Ministre d’Etat représente Monaco au Sommet de la Communauté politique européenne à Budapest en Hongrie
La Principauté réaffirme son soutien au droit international humanitaire et à la protection des populations civiles en cas de conflit armé
Le Gouvernement Princier et la Fondation ALIPH renouvellent leur partenariat pour protéger le patrimoine culturel en danger
Quick access
The Ambassador - Permanent Representative
H.E. Mrs. Isabelle Picco presented her credentials to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 11 September 2009.
She received a D.E.A. (Graduate Diploma) in Environmental Law from the University of Paris 1 and a D.E.A. (Graduate Diploma) in International Law from the University of Paris 2. She began her Government career in the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Budget, where she was in charge of legal affairs.
H.E. Mrs. Picco chaired the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly (Legal Committee) at its 65th session (2010-2011). She also chaired the 22nd meeting of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (2012) and was Vice-President of the General Assembly at its 68th (2013-2014) and 75th (2020-2021) session.
The Permanent Mission
The permanent mission of Monaco to the United Nations is the diplomatic representation of the Principality of Monaco to the United Nations (UN) in New York. This mission's role is to promote Monaco's interests within the UN and to participate in various activities of the organization, particularly in areas such as sustainable development, human rights, international security, and many others.
Monaco and the UN
The Principality of Monaco was granted observer status in June 1956 and became the 183rd United Nations Member State on 28 May 1993.
Information and services
You will find in this section all useful information and services concerning the UN.